
2018.02.16 256 Views 256 生活点滴



于是我想着,既然中文拼音被注册了,那就注册英文名呗,于是我就各种组合的搜,结果就只剩jahung了。话说我的英文名就是我中文名的粤语音译,洪-Hung,志雄-Jason, 其实我原来觉得Chison发音上更合适,不过后来有人说Chison用白话读起来有痴线的嫌疑。。。好吧。。。

本来这事就这么了了,域名在NameSilo上买了十年,绑定在Bitcron上,编辑用的StackEdit,挺安逸的组合。但是某一天事情峰回路转,是这样的,那天有个以前一面之缘的巴西裔社交狂人拉我进了一个WhatsApp群,结果有个人就直接调侃了我的姓,当时我不理解于是问那个巴西小哥那人啥意思,结果他说那是个黄色笑话sex joke,在英语中,如果有人被称为hung,那么着意味着那个有个很大的penis,就是大丁丁,嫪毐的意思!我当时就艹了,然后那个巴西小哥还很淡定的安慰我说,没事的啦那个没笑你的意思啦这个跟说别人肌肉发达很强壮是一回事。WTF!你当我傻啊!

于是我默默的查了下Urban Dictionary, 搜了一下HUNG的词条,果然。。。。

to have a big dick
Dude, I'm hung like a horse. or Damn, he's hung like an army mule!


somone that is brave, trustful, no fear, very loyal and would never backstab. Either you are smart or very skilled in fighting.
hongs do not have fear.


Jason is a very kind hearted person. He can be shy at many times and you think he's a total creep until you really get to know him. He is crushing on this one girl that he can't possibly get over. He is very loyal and would sacrifice everything for his friends and family. His thoughts in his head keep killing him and killing him. He also sometimes overthink things. He jokes around a lot but can be very serious when needed. You might not tell from his outside but he is a very smart person. He doesn't like crowds and lots of people. He is more of a simple yet hard to understand person. No one in the world would ever begin to figure out what is in his thoughts. Jason in a wonderful man.


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